Ironhack Day 1

On the first day of my Ironhack Web Dev Bootcamp our teacher, Thor (great name, btw!) made a super-quick summary of Git, Github, HTML, CSS and JavaScript (mainly things we’ve had to read for the pre work exercises of the bootcamp). Below are the things that grabbed my attention:

Git & Github:

  • touch index.txt (create file)
  • nano index.txt (open the files, used for making small changes)
  • cat index.txt (check what the file contains)
  • going back to previous versions with the help of git log, was introduced to the concept of HEAD


The following notes are related to the pair work we did after the actual teaching. Even though my head was spinning after that, given the fast pace at which my team mate, who’s been working with JS for 6 years, was coming up with different possible solutions to the exercises, it’s been incredibly useful for me. Besides the things listed below my main take-away was seeing in action how one translates to JS’ logic (functions, loops, if statements & all that jazz) the instructions given in more or less plain English.

  • use of functions: noticed there are two cases where we were supposed to print words backwards
  • use of .indexOf for ”translating” characters from a string into numbers (=their position in the string) in order to check which of the strings comes first in an alphabetical order
  • use of .replace in order to be able to ignore spaces between words when checking whether the string entered by the user is a palindrome or not
  • counting number of words in a text by checking how many blank spaces the text contains
  • counting how many times a word has been used in a text by checking: 1. if the first characters of the text match with the word we’re looking for; 2. if there are in the text cases when a blank space is followed by these characters, which are in turn followed by another blank space.